Revealing beauty in everydayness

“Ich gehe weiter. Ich sage, nur Kunst kann das Leben verändern”
Joseph Beuys (1980)

Jewelry art - the little sister of sculpture

Questioning the traditional with a twinkle in my eye, combining familiar materials with the unusual, bringing the extraordinary into the everyday – that’s all I want

We all do it - I do it too

Photos with the cell phone. Snapshots, numerous, almost as if taken in passing, they try to tell of the beauty and want to show bizarre lovingly.

Fundraising campaign for homeless people in Aachen

A person, his story, my jewelry – the idea of a fundraiser for homeless people in Aachen. Homeless people introduce themselves, show themselves and a piece of jewelry of mine. So they step from the edge of the sidewalk in front of the camera, are seen and can tell about themselves.

If you no longer want to look away and feel touched, you can help!

Porcelain - the white gold

The diva among the materials. It demands courage and self-confidence in its working methods. But its aesthetics are hard to resist.

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